Friday, October 28, 2011

A Meal to Remember

While in Key West, I ordered an Asian  Sesame Tuna appetizer. I really had no idea what to expect, but I was dying for some delicious fresh seafood. Imagine my delight when they put this down on the table in front of me! Not only was it gorgeous, but it was unbelievably delicious! Dante's in Key West - the absolute BEST food on the island!!!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Summer Flooding

These are pictures I took of the parking lot of the A&P food store and TJ Maxx shopping plaza after the flooding began to recede. The stores were devastated when the water crashed through their doors and washed their products out the back loading area. All the products inside the stores were ruined - 6 feet of water engulfed shelves & destroyed everything. The anchor stores in this plaza have all been gutted, most likely not to return business there.

After the waters receded.

This is the back parking lot.

There were shoes everywhere. Most of which still had anti-theft tags still stuck to them. My assumption is that TJ Maxx's shoe department was in the back and the loose products floated right out the back doors. It was a shoe graveyard back there!

The main parking lot was barely navigable, and shopping carts were strewn hundreds of feet around the plaza.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Why did the chicken cross the road?

Its not a chicken. Its a rooster. Duhhh.

...and if you're wondering, he was crossing the road to get away from the crazy lady chasing him with a camera.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Friday, September 23, 2011

Rainy Day Mountain Biking

It was hot, humid, and the sky looked about to rip open and pour. Perfect day for mountain biking! Wrapped my camera in a plastic bag and headed down one of the most treacherous trails I've biked down. We were alongside the fish hatchery on an old railroad bed. There were swamps one side, and Delaware river tributaries on the other. It was awesome! Such a fun day.

I'm still going through the pictures, but here is my favorite of the set :)

Jack in the Pulpit! A rare site in the woods of NJ/PA!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Captured A Miracle!

Apparently a rainbow in the dark isn't just a Dio song - its an extremely rare phenomenon that I got lucky enough to capture before it disappeared into the night sky! I was going outside to shoot the phenomenal sunset I was witnessing from my dining room window, when I was distracted by the dark sky behind me and the double rainbow the setting sun managed to illuminate - I ended up not taking any pictures of the sunset (sad!) but got some fun rainbow pictures instead (happy!)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Late Night Storm

A few weeks ago we were hit with a crazy storm late at night. Sleeping wasn't an option as the wind whipped at the windows and the thunder's deep claps vibrated my sternum. So I pulled a chair up to my living room window and just shot, shot, shot...

The wind was whipping the tree like crazy! Out of 400+ shots, I only caught one strike worth keeping. But the colors and the clarity are way better than what I could have hoped for! Gosh, I love storms.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Oh, Hey There Old Friend!


Things have been so hectic the past few months! Well, pretty much the entire summer. I've had so many gigs, odd jobs, and great design ideas that I've taken a head first dive into insanity. In the best possible way, of course! I adore my blog and the people who stop by, so if you do, please say hello! Keep hanging in there until I finally learn how to work with my new schedule/new job/new found motivation. Oh, and I totally have a new logo. I made it a water mark on my photo. Check it out! :)

Key West - My summer vacation!

Monday, May 16, 2011

The Hike

Lets start out with the good news - my website has been launched! Yippee!!! Please visit to see my full graphic design and photography portfolio! This website has been awhile in the making so it feels great to finally have it up and running!

The Hike

An impromptu hike on the way home from a job in Boonton lead to some interesting finds. After a few shots, we had to get out of there because I saw a huge black and white creature crawl from the hiking path into a hole inside an abandoned structure. It was bigger than a dog and I was not about to get anywhere near it!

Easter already forgotten.

Old town sewer system

Improper hiking attire. That's what happens when you don't plan ahead!

What's left of the second story - the first story is actually a functioning business oddly enough. I think its beautiful.


Broken Glass


Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Good News!
I've been very busy lately preparing my new website and gathering my photography and graphic design portfolio. Its currently under construction, but by the end of the week, I should have a basis! So excited!! A place to showcase all of my top photo work and design work... it's like a dream come true!

I'll keep you updated here, but until then, accept my apologies for being absent (I've been photographing every day so once I have more time I will not disappoint!), and enjoy this flower, given to you with love.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Spring-Eyed Beauty

My absolute favorite part of spring: when the toads and frogs come out and sing. There is truly no sweeter music to my ears!

He was such a ham for the camera - he even turned around so I could get his "better side". Love it!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

A Couple More

Since I'm usually too busy to get around to my blog, here's a few more photos from yesterday's adventures hiking, exploring mines, and the thawing field. And that sunset I promised :)

Pipe in the middle of the woods?
Snowy staircase... it was quite treacherous
Wood Knob
Pink Ribbon
Colorful Mushrooms
Twisty Vine
Inside the Hole

  Seed Bag
Sunset at the end of a very gray day


Everything is finally thawing out around here. Now that the 4+ feet of snow has finally gone away, you find some pretty interesting things buried underneath. While visiting home, I stopped at my favorite field to pick pumpkins in the fall. Guess the snow got them before they could clean & prepare the field before the winter came. I decided to experiment with settings for these photos, and gave them a dismal treatment since it was so cloudy. Oddly enough, by the time we left, the sun came out and there was a beee-autiful sunset! I did take photos of it but its on my other memory card. Maybe I'll post them later :)


Pumpkin Cap

The No-Road Cone

Friendly Horse May Bite

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Toner; Take 2

Waste Container was full in the Xerox again. Shot another picture with a different camera, and I made sure it was in better focus than the last time. I really enjoy the pops of color!