Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Day 14 - Falling Behind

This daily task is getting to be harder than I thought! I'm having trouble catching up. Today, I am posting for yesterday. Later on today, I hope to be posting for today... if that makes sense, haha.

Since I am falling behind so badly, I figured now would be a good time to post another old favorite. This subject of photography is my favorite. Beauty in the Breakdown. It feels like I'm reliving a past life. If a picture really could speak, these would have lifetimes of stories. This was actually found in a prison cell - or what was left of one - deep in a rough city, far from home, and by accident. Absolute beauty.

1 comment:

  1. What makes this photo work for me* is without question the sunlight streaming in through the bars at the top providing such a contrast for the destruction around the old record.

    "You're Getting to Be a Habit with Me" - great title, too. :)

    *"Work for me" ..pssh how freaking pretentious can one be at 8:35 in the morning?
