Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day 23 - 27: Welcome to New England

Day 23:
We felt every minute of every hour driving up north. Thank goodness it was gorgeous outside.

Day 24:
Abandoned train yard. So scenic... and a little dirty.

Day 25:
I can't believe I caught this on camera - its a little blurry and very grainy, but oh my goodness, LIGHTNING. I pulled over on the side of the highway to take pictures of the looming clouds, and wow! Check out the reflection on the car, too. This was about 2 minutes before the torrential downpour that left us parked under a tree waiting for visibility.

Day 26:
Found this little guy hiding under a rock at the bottom of a gorgeous waterfall & glacial rock playground!

Day 27:
My last day up north. Decided to visit the real mountain folk... this was someone's entire garage. Wicked!


  1. Re: day 27: A little bit Wrong Turn, much? How does someone gather that many varied license plates, anyway? Eep, glad you escaped ;)

  2. indeed! i was a bit freaked out... but it was definitely a sight!

  3. Day 23: Great exposure
    Day 25: Right place, right time, right equipment = win!
    Day 26: You do such a great job capturing texture. The water on the rock in the foreground, the dry rock in the back ...just very, very well done.
    Day 27: Now that's what I call a mobile home! [rim shot] ..thank you, thank you. ...Is this thing on [taps mic] Hello?

  4. thanks a bunch hawkeye!
    and you should have made that joke with a southern accent. too bad that's not easily translated through text :P
