Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Day 9 - Obnoxiously Loud Noises

This isn't exactly MY photo... but I had to put all the settings into my camera for someone else to take the photo for me! Does that count?

Anyway... my dad told me it was safe to catch these guys, and I trusted his word, so I did! And I totally fell in love. SO CUTE!! I didn't want to put him down but it was after midnight and I needed sleep. Do you know if you pick him up and poke his belly, he shrieks that crazy loud cicada noise?!?! LOVE IT!!! My new favorite bug <3

1 comment:

  1. Composing the shot. Adjusting the settings. Being Ms. Hand Model = it counts. ;)

    Cicadas have no stingers and have no interest in being in one's house, so they're A-OK in my book. ;)
